
When something bad happens you have three choices.
You can either let it define you. Let it destroy, or you can let it strenghten you.


Awkward is that one of these nights i saw a shooting star and at the end i found myself wishing to be with you, again.


At least, bad decisions make good stories.


And this is my teory: if you were happy before you met someone, you can be happy after they've gone


 Someday, someone is going to thank you for letting me go but before that happen, I thank you first.


A girl, no matter how many times she denies it, she will always remember every detail, every moment, every piece of the memories you've left her. No matter how much she tries to forget, it will always be there.


People don't leave because things are hard,
they leave because it's no longer worth it.


Girls are strong too, they have the best teachers. B-o-y-s.


I'm a good enough person to forgive you but not stupid enough to trust you again.


You cannot make the same mistake twice. The second time you make it, is not a mistake. It's a choice.


Minha tão cobiçada época de exames estás de volta!


Last night, I wondered why people that we love could hurt us so much even when we are not together anymore because that is what you did with me.
My friends keep saying "let it go" but talking is much easier.
Over the months you let me down, made me lose my mind with all the shit that you have been saying, made me cry but sometimes I think that all that is happening is my fault. Maybe if I was a little like you, all this would belong where it should, in my past.

"Longe da vista, longe do coração."


Yesterday, my mom told me that i'm not ok and to be honest she's right.



Quero ir-me embora! Estou ansiosa para que isso aconteça e, sinceramente, entre Lisboa e Coimbra já não me importa onde fico. Só quero ir..



Sintra, lá me esperas amanhã.


Eu afasto as pessoas. Ultimamente é o que faço melhor. Não sei confiar. Deixei de acreditar em relacionamentos. “Jogo” à defesa e cada aproximação é interpretada como um ataque.
- Tu não eras assim. Porque mudaste?
- Porque uma vez que temos um coração partido, quando o tentamos montar de novo ele não voltará, nunca, a ser o mesmo.



I must be out of my mind because I wanted to leave you, but then I realize that you are the most important thing in my life. Please forgive me or better, don't. First because you don't know what is going on and second, because i make mistakes too. 
After all that shit i love you in the same way. 
You're my best friend


«A vida é curta demais para se acordar com arrependimentos.
Ama as pessoas que te tratam bem. Esquece aquelas que não.
A vida coloca cada um no seu lugar. Tudo vai e vem por uma razão.
Se tens uma segunda oportunidade, agarra-a. Ninguém disse que a vida era fácil. Só prometeu que iria valer a pena. Vive, deixa viver e sê feliz!» 
António Feio



You know, isn't enough you say that you miss me, you've got to show it too.